Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where have you been!?

Wow, I haven't touched this blog since my birthday in October. I feel so bad. Unfortunately, life became so complicated and on top of that, I didn't have a functioning computer to work with. I'm going to try to make an honest effort to restart what I started at the end of 2010. To be honest, in light of everything that's been going on in my life and in the world during the past few months, it's like I've had a revelation. Life is just too short and precious to lead such an average life. I am, without a doubt, a homebody. I LOVE to stay at home with my family and just relax on my days off from work, with the occasional getting together with my friends. I will forever be a homebody but I would like to make an honest effort to get out more and just enjoy life. I read something somewhere, I can't really recall where I read it, but it was something like "I wanna be able to look back at my life and say I can't believe I did that...not I wish I had done that." You won't be young forever and you live life, you only have one chance to make it a great one. So, I've completed college and I have a career at the age of 23. College is over, but there's so much to do and to experience. So I vowed to myself to be more open to life experiences...For the rest of the year I vow to (1) re-kindle friendships that have suffered due to my going away to college, (2) meet new people, (3) travel, travel, travel!, (4) work on this blog (even if it's just for myself to look back on in the future) and (5) to be happy. So I will restart this within the next week. I have done a "little" shopping so I have A LOT to share (not to brag about)...So stay tuned!

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